Seven Small Changes that will Make This Year Your Healthiest Yet
Seven Small Changes that will Make This Year Your Healthiest Yet
Some of your New Year’s resolutions may have fallen by the wayside, so instead make a few small practical changes that are easy to keep.
- Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day because your metabolism is faster in the mornings.
- Eat more plants and going meat-free for even a day a week can have major health benefits.
- Start lifting weights to boost metabolism and muscle mass. You will still be burning extra calories hours after working out.
- Try skipping to improve coordination, strengthen your core and calm the mind. Still not convinced? Just 10 minutes of skipping provides similar health benefits to a 45-minute run.
- Eat your dinner 2 to 3 hours before going to sleep. Going to bed immediately after eating affects your diaphragm, impacting the position of your colon, gallbladder and heart.
- Take a short walk after every meal. Walking for less than two hours a week is associated with a third lower risk for respiratory disease and lowers your risk of dying from heart disease or cancer.
- Aim to get eight hours rest each night and the optimum time to go to bed is 10:39 PM!
New Year Health Fund Bookings: Don’t Miss Out!
At this time of year many people’s health funds will reset for the New Year. Often any unused benefits are not carried over to the following year and will be lost for good. You are entitled to these benefits, so please check your health fund to make sure you don’t miss out. If you aren’t sure, ask our dental team for help and advice on how to make the best use of your health funds.
If you do have health funds remaining for this year, we suggest booking your appointments as soon as possible, so we can ensure you gain maximum benefit from your plan. It is the ideal time of year to catch up with your dental check-ups or hygiene appointments or to complete any treatment plan advised by our dentists. Going into the New Year, we can help you plan ahead so you can fully utilise your health funds to maintain a healthy smile.