Does Toothache Always Correspond to a Cavity?
Does Toothache Always Correspond to a Cavity?
If you develop toothache, then it’s most likely due to a cavity but there are several other possible causes such as Bruxism.
- Tooth Sensitivity: If your teeth hurt whenever you drink something hot or cold or which is particularly sweet or sour, you could have sensitive teeth. Tooth sensitivity can develop if your gums are receding or if your tooth enamel is becoming thinner. Try using toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth as this will help to gradually relieve the symptoms.
- Sinus Infection: Sometimes toothache can be due to a sinus infection. If your upper teeth on both sides of your face feel painful, it could sinusitis. This kind of toothache is often accompanied by tenderness around your sinuses and nasal congestion.
- Jaw Pain: If the discomfort feels more like jaw pain, your toothache could be caused by problems with your temporomandibular joints or your jaw joints. This may be due to a jaw injury, arthritis or tooth grinding and clenching (bruxism). It’s also possible for jaw pain to be caused by impacted wisdom teeth.
Are You Grinding Your Teeth?
Did you wake up with an aching jaw this morning? It is possible you may be clenching and grinding your teeth during sleep. This destructive condition is called bruxism and it can damage your teeth and may inflame your jaw joints, causing facial pain and chronic headaches, or even earache. Bruxism may be due to misaligned teeth, and it is frequently related to stress and anxiety. Whatever the reason, it is important to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.
Diagnosing Bruxism
If you suspect you may clench and grind during sleep, please come and see us here at Apple Dental. By carefully assessing your mouth, as well as your general and dental history, we can determine if you have bruxism and the possible cause. This will allow us to suggest the most suitable treatment which depends on whether your bruxism is due to dental problems, or if it is stress-related. We may suggest a multi-faceted approach towards resolving your bruxism, for example through looking at ways to reduce stress levels while protecting your teeth from further damage.
Treating Bruxism
Often a simple and effective strategy is for you to wear a custom-made bite splint. This protects your teeth and jaws by preventing tooth contact while you sleep. Another helpful treatment is to use facial injectables. Apple Dental offers injectables that relax your jaw muscles so you are less likely to clench and grind, providing you with a comfortable and peaceful night’s sleep.
If you have toothache or jaw pain, please book an appointment with our dentist here at Apple Dental. It is important to find out the reason for toothache to ensure you receive the most appropriate treatment.